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Custom Easing

Custom Easing isn’t currently a thing in the Web Animation API (WAAPI), so, the next best thing is to emulate the effect of Custom Easing. I added the CustomEasing function for this reason, you can use it like this,

import ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET animate, CustomEasing, EaseOut, Quad } from "@okikio/animate"; 

    // Notice how only, the first value in the Array uses the "px" unit
    border: CustomEasing(["1px solid red", "3 dashed green", "2 solid black"], ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET
        // This is a custom easing function
        easing: EaseOut(Quad)

    translateX: CustomEasing([0, 250], ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET
        easing: "linear",

        // You can change the size of Array for the CustomEasing function to generate  
        numPoints: 200,

        // The number of decimal places to round, final values in the generated Array
        decimal: 5,

    // You can set the easing without an object
    // Also, if units are detected in the values Array, 
    // the unit of the first value in the values Array are
    // applied to other values in the values Array, even if they
    // have prior units 
    rotate: CustomEasing(["0turn", 1, 0, 0.5], "out"),
    "background-color": CustomEasing(["#616aff", "white"]),
    easing: "linear"

You can view a demo of Custom Easing on Codepen. I based the Custom Easing implementation on a comment by @jakearchibald on Github and an article by kirillvasiltsov.

Custom Easing uses the fact that WAAPI allows for linear easing and interpolation between Array values, for CSS propertyies, to generate an arrays of values that the WAAPI can linearly interpolate between, thus emulating custom easing effects like bounce, elastic, and spring. As of right now, the CustomEasing function builds on top of @okikio/animate, but @okikio/animate isn’t absolutely necessary, it just may not be as comfortable to use it without @okikio/animate.

Custom Easing has 3 properties they are easing (all the easings from animation options easing are supported, on top of custom easing functions, like spring, bounce, etc…), numPoints (the size of the Array the Custom Easing function should create), and decimal (the number of decimal places of the values within said Array).

PropertiesDefault Value
easingspring(1, 100, 10, 0)

By default, Custom Easing support easing functions, in the form,

linearease-in / inease-out / outease-in-out / in-outease-out-in / out-in
spring / spring-inspring-outspring-in-outspring-out-in

Elastic easing

All Elastic easing’s can be configured using theses parameters,

*-elastic(amplitude, period)

Each parameter comes with these defaults

ParameterDefault Value

Spring easing

All Spring easing’s can be configured using theses parameters,

spring-*(mass, stiffness, damping, velocity)

Each parameter comes with these defaults

ParameterDefault Value

You can create your own custom cubic-bezier easing curves. Similar to css you type cubic-bezier(...) with 4 numbers representing the shape of the bezier curve, for example, cubic-bezier(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715) this is the bezier curve for in-sine.

Note: the easing property supports the original values and functions for easing as well, for example, steps(1), and etc… are supported.

Note: you can also use camelCase when defining easing functions, e.g. inOutCubic to represent in-out-cubic

Suggestion: if you decide to use CustomEasing on one CSS property, I suggest using CustomEasing or ApplyCustomEasing on the rest

SpringEasing(…) Function

Returns an array containing [easing points, duration], it’s meant to be a self enclosed way to create spring easing.

Springs have an optimal duration; using getEasingDuration() we are able to have the determine the optimal duration for a spring with given parameters.

By default the SpringEasing(...) function will only give the optimal duration for spring or spring-in easing, this is to avoid infinite loops caused by the getEasingDuration() function.

Internally the SpringEasing uses CustomEasing, read through the api docs on it, to understand how the SpringEasing function works.


import ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET animate, SpringEasing } from "@okikio/animate";

// `duration` is the optimal duration for the spring with the set parameters
let [translateX, duration] = SpringEasing([0, 250], "spring(5, 100, 10, 1)");
// or
// `duration` is 5000 here
let [translateX, duration] = SpringEasing([0, 250], ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET 
     easing: "spring(5, 100, 10, 1)",
     numPoints: 50,
     duration: 5000,
     decimal: 3

     target: "div",

Check out the api docs to for further detail.

ApplyCustomEasing(…) Function

Applies the same custom easings to all properties of an object it also returns an object with each property having an array of custom eased values.

If you use the spring or spring-in easings it will also return the optimal duration as a key in the object it returns.

If you set duration to a number, it will prioritize that duration over optimal duration given by the spring easings.

Read through the CustomEasing docs, also check out the CustomEasing api docs.


import ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET animate, ApplyCustomEasing } from "@okikio/animate";
     target: "div",

       border: ["1px solid red", "3 dashed green", "2 solid black"],
       translateX: [0, 250],
       rotate: ["0turn", 1, 0, 0.5],
       "background-color": ["#616aff", "white"],

       // You don't need to enter any parameters, you can just use the default values
       easing: "spring",
       // You can change the size of Array for the CustomEasing function to generate  
       numPoints: 200,
       // The number of decimal places to round, final values in the generated Array
       decimal: 5,
       // You can also set the duration from here.
       // When using spring animations, the duration you set here is not nesscary,
       // since by default springs will try to determine the most appropriate duration for the spring animation.
       // But the duration value here will override `spring` easings optimal duration value
       duration: 3000

Check out the api docs to for further detail.